Sunday, September 07, 2008

Toledo Blade: Article by Joe Vardon

Rodriguez gets around to contract


Rich Rodriguez is close to finally signing a six-year, $15 million contract to be Michigan’s football coach, almost 10 months after he was hired and with a game already under his belt.

According to a source with knowledge of the negotiations, Rodriguez could sign a contract within the next 10 days that is largely consistent with the offer sheet he signed Dec. 16.

To read the rest of the article please visit:


Anonymous said...


Im not trying to steal information at all. I share news on the UM as you do. I don't have advertising on my site as do most other blog site. I've noticed that you post videos from't that the same thing?

I'm new to this and I've got to be honest I'm not up to speed on the rules on posting blogs and using information. I will tell you I'm not trying to piss anyone off just inform some friend and visitors about Michigan...just like you.

I'm a huge fan of GBW but I think I need to know the rules of engagement so I don't step on anyones toes.

I will talk to GBW maybe tomorrow about the rules but as I said I'm in the for fun and not to upset others because I enjoy reading all of the blogs like you.

GBMWolverine said...


Who are you and not really sure what your talking about? I can't say anything unless I know what your talking about.

GBMWolverine Counter

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