
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mailbag Question: Get off the fence

I am confused here:

First off let me tell you that I visit your blog, but have never commented on it or asked a question before.

Do you guys like Coach Rod or hate him with some of your comments? Seems like sometimes you guys put stuff out there that shows you do not like him while other times seems like you like what he is doing?

So which one is it or you guys a fence group in the middle?



Thanks for the question.

What we try to do is give our honest opinions on what we think is happening with Michigan football.

We do not understand why many readers try to categorize our comments as either love or hate and are uncomfortable with the reality of the gray areas in between the two extremes. We do not think that we have to be blind followers and say everything is great, if we do think that is true.

We absolutely want Coach Rod and Michigan to be successful. We hope he has a long and successful career at Michigan.

However, if we see or hear things we do not agree with, we will say so. If that makes us less of Michigan fan in the eyes of some, so be it.

Those who really know us know we bleed maize and blue. The success of the program is all that matters. We have big shoulders and can handle the criticism. To some people, loyalty means "drinking the Kool-Aid." We'd rather have dry mouths and speak the truth they might not want to hear.

Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine


  1. Don't you guys ever get tired of repeating yourselves? I think it's time to come up with new material...Geeez.

  2. Anonymous,

    Well we answer questions people like you send to us ... thanks for putting your name on it.
