Sunday, June 14, 2009
Coaches Corner: Player Development and The Michigan Tackling System -- Part 1
We have talked a lot in the past about player development at Michigan. This has concentrated recently on strength and conditioning and how it would improve Michigan football.
As we watched film on Michigan's commits and prospects we started thinking about the importance of improved teaching of fundamentals on player development.
This made us think about Coach Robinsons talk at the spring practice and the new tackling system Michigan is using under Coach Robinson. As our friend MaizeMan talked about earlier this is quite long so I will try to just point out the highlights.
Michigan Tackling System: Developed by a California high school coach named Bill Williamson. The number one concept is tracking the football, which Coach Robinson called pursuit with a purpose of tracking the football. Its primary purpose is to fix the problems of being out of control, dropping of the weight which creates lunging because tackler is too far away, and breaking down that causes arm tackles and improper angles.
What the system is trying to provide is opportunities for violent collisions, minimize opponents opportunity for big plays. Majority of big plays are do to cutbacks caused by over pursuit.
Tracking the football: Taking Proper Angles
Tracking the pec of ball carrier and tracking the hip instead of back side shoulder.
There are two types of tackles used in system.
1) Profile Tackling: Used when ball carrier is inside the tackle box or when the tackler sees the side or back of the ball carrier.
2) Shimmy Tackle / Open Field Tackle: Used when ball carrier is outside the tackle box or when ball carrier's numbers are facing the tackler. It is shimmy
tackle that will talked about
2a) Body Position in Shimmy Tackle: Weight on instep, eyes at ball level, holstered hands, hands on your hips, we call this going for your guns. Eyes over thighs / chest over quads / positive shin angles.
2b) Shimmy Technique: Close the distance to the ball carrier, eyes at ball level / this causes weight drop, work off your insteps / this causes positive chin level, short powerful three inch steps.
2c) Shimmy Compress: Near foot technique, same body position as listed above / shimmy / very important staggered feet, inside foot up.
2d) Shimmy Finish: The moment of truth, throw your upper cuts, step on toes of ball carrier / Coach Robinson said tackler needs to smell ball carriers breath, eyes to the sky / makes your roll your hips and protects the neck, chin and chest in a line.
Wolverine Wrap: Actual way tackler gets ball carrier to ground knees high and wide.
Michigan will use a grading system called N.O.S / or Not Our Standard.
Part 2 coming today at 12:00pm EDT
Thanks for stopping by
If you have any questions please e-mail
Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine
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