
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Michigan Football Tidbits: Some team stuff

Team over a week into summer workouts. Players this year seem to think workouts are not as tough (not so much because workouts are easier) its more of a mental thing. They now understand what to expect. Last year and this year not even close. This team is way ahead of last year and most importantly they know what to expect. They have bought into the program so the internal dissension stuff in non-existent. Kids will weed themselves out, but expect trend to continue in our opinion.

Big Will:
Unlike previous defensive tackles at Michigan (Branch and Watson in particular) seems to be much more consistent in his intensity. Big Will has already lost a bunch of weight and his body is already changing. Still think we see his potential a year from now, but because of depth he will play.

Always a question and he is doing well this summer. Defensive Tackle may not be as big of problem as people think. Big Will, Sagesse, and do not forget Martin (who really has a high motor) gives Michigan some quality depth. And although Coach Robinson really loves that "quick" defensive end position (if those players do not show progress) do not rule out reverting back to some two defensive tackle sets. They showed some two defensive tackle sets this spring.

He continues to show great work ethic. When not spending extra time working with wide receivers (who by the way seem to be showing up more regularly for extra sessions) he is in the film room. His reputation of being football junkie is accurate.

Denard Robinson:
He is expected to be on campus sometime this week. Of all the incoming freshmen his appearance is the most anticipated by both players and coaches.

C. Brown:
Is walking around what seems like a renewed interest in football. Besides his injury issues throughout his career there have been times coaches have questioned his "love" of the game. His spring performance seems to have added a little jump in his step (so to speak).

Probably becoming our favorite subject. He is doing fine (working hard) and working a little extra using jugs machines catching passes.

Has become a key player and may be a key to where Stokes fits in at Michigan. Coaches really like Stokes and think he will contribute early. Question is where? If split end's do not step up Stokes could play split end with Roundtree staying mostly at slot, but if Stokes shows he is better at slot then Roundtree could move to split end. Either way will keep close tabs on Stokes in fall practices.

more tidbits about the team coming.

Thanks for stopping by
If you have any questions please e-mail

Written by MaizeMan and ErocWolverine

1 comment:

  1. North Korea should Nuke Mgoblog's BoardTuesday, June 9, 2009 at 9:29:00 AM EDT

    It's great to hear stuff like this unlike on that cesspool of a board on MGOBLOG where a bunch of circle jerkers from WLA and their non WLA twinkies hang out and stroke each other off.

    Carlos Brown probably figures this is his last shot so he better make it count, especially if he wants any chance to make the NFL. Put up good numbers and show off his speed and maybe he gets a late round shot.
