Got an offensive play question for you guys. How can Michigan loosen up the defense with a Quarterback like Steve Threet this year? Is there some play calls that could be made to move the safety and cornerbacks away from the line of scrimmage.
Seems like each game the defenses are getting closer and closer the the ball. Also wouldn't it be better to get everybody involved and use the entire field because lately it seems like we are only using the sidelines and not looking deep or for that matter not looking at guys like Koger, Stonum, etc ... who I thought we would try and use their athletic ability as weapons in this offense.
Thanks for the question. There are a number of things you can do to stretch a defense. In addition, you can stretch a defense two directions, sideline to sideline and vertically.
One of the easiest ways would be to include some play action looks; another would be to run some reverses. Good way to stretch defense is use your slots in running game using jet and speed series.
There is another alternative, or at complement to stretching defense. You can make them play honest by including miss-direction and counter into the running game. This than opens up boots and counter boots that require a defense not only back off some, but play honest and over pursue to the ball.
written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine
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