Hi guys,
From reading the answers to your recent "Mailbag" questions, the 3-3-5 Stack defense does not sound a whole lot different from the 3-4/Okie defense. Is it? How?
In addition, you say you think Shafer is no longer in charge of the defense because they ran the Stack defense against Purdue. So, does that mean Michigan was using the 3-4/Okie defense in the previous games?
When Coach Rod hired Coach Shafer, was the understanding that Coach Shafer would install his defense or was it that Coach Shafer would install the 3-3-5 Stack defense that Coach Rod prefers?
After a dismal first year as Defensive Coordinator at Western Michigan, Coach Shafer worked wonders on that defense. I know Coach Rod is under pressure, but I cannot see Coach Rod not giving Coach Shafer the chance, and time, to get his system going when Coach Rod is asking for patience with his system and offense.
A lot of blame has to be put on the players: system change, "slow and looking" excuses the fact that you are not at the right place at the right time. However, when runners and receivers slide off the defensive players who do manage to be in position, then it is on the players, n'est pas? There's been a lot of that this season: it's not all on the coaches.
-- Q
Thanks for the question.
In the 3-3-5 defense, you use 3 inside linebackers and literally stack the linebackers behind the defensive linemen. You use 2 strong safeties to play the flats and you then can play 3 deep coverage, although you still have the option to mix coverages.
In the Okie Defense, you play with 4 linebackers instead of 3, and only inside. You also play with a more traditional secondary, using 4 instead of 5 defensive backs.
Michigan has played a base 4-3 defense this entire season and used the OKie/3-4 as a nickel package. Coach Rod must have realized Coach Shafer was going to play 3-4/Okie, because from day 1 that is what Coach Shafer has talked about and used in practices.
We agree with that Coach Rod should give Coach Shafer the same patience he is asking for. It just looks to us like he is not going to get it, for whatever reason. In addition, agree 100% that players also need to be held accountable.
written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine
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