Were there any positives that the defense did on Saturday that I or other people missed? I am too lazy and to upset to really watch the game again.
I have all the games recorded every week, but they are not enjoyable the first time so not sure what anything good would come out of it for me to watch them again.
How do you do that especially when you really don't have to since it isn't your team?
Thanks for the question. When team does not tackle well it is tough to find positives because defense is going to look horrible whenever the fundamentals are horrible.
After re-watching film, defense played just as poorly second time as first. Saw nothing that we thought you could hang your hat on give you something to build on.
Although Brandon Graham hustles and overall plays was a positive. If want one small thing Michigan could do defensive that would have big effect, STOP the RUN. We believe that more than anything else is what killed Michigan. You have to stop the run, or it will open up so many other things for the offense to do
written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine
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