Thursday, November 06, 2008

Michigan Football Tidbits:

1) Like to be more specific on why I continue to harp on recruit, recruit, recruit. Michigan has lacked in one key area in the past five years and that is player development.

Of course, posters can pick out a player here or there on players who played up to their potential, but there were many more who did not exceed expectations. Therefore, until we get the player development going (which takes time) we are going to have to win on talent.

2) Player development is the one area of Coach Rod's program that I am the most excited about. Early expectations and criticism of Barwis are unwarranted and we will continue to see huge improvements year to year.

3) Barwis is a big advocate of recruiting top players. He has consistently pointed out that while there are cases in which a three star player plays up to his maximum potential and has a better career than a four or five star he would rather have that higher rated player. He has a great deal of confidence that in Coach Rod’s program the higher rated player will develop as well.

4) Posters continue to compare West Virginia to Michigan even when it comes to recruiting and I just cannot understand why posters believe there are any similarities.

One huge difference is Michigan has three major rivals and two of which are national powers at least they are when it comes to recruiting. Does anybody really think those lower rated recruits at West Virginia could have won at Michigan as freshmen and sophomores?

5) In addition, historically almost every team on our schedule judges a successful season when it defeats Michigan. Now this year may be the exception, but I am talking historically.

Point is Michigan cannot afford in most cases to take a week off or not play well. In past years we have been able to win because we simply had more talent.

6) Going forward just imagine how good this program can be if we combine recruiting top players and player development. This is why I support Coach Rod and staff and this will be the area in which I will criticize program if I see a lack of aggressiveness.

Notice up to now I have not been critical of player development (Barwis continues to impress daily), but have not been overly excited about our approach to recruiting.

Now maybe this will change now that they are putting more emphasis on recruiting, but during the first six or seven months not overly impressed.

7) I hope Michigan starts recruiting Juco's. Why? Because I think college football teams have advanced offenses vs. defenses. And as I have stated I think it is easier to judge defensive talent coming from Juco's. (Notice I said recruit only defensive players from Juco ranks). Almost every top program has a couple of top players from Juco's they are more physically ready to play.

8) Speaking of Defensive coaches just a bizarre suggestion, but how about hiring someone from the Pittsburgh Steelers organization. Notice how every yr they lose a top player, but yet continue to have one of best defenses in NFL.

And talk about player development no NFL team develops defensive players as fast as the Steelers. And they play a 3-4 which I think fits our personnel better especially if they would take Ezeh and make him a hybrid DE/LB like Woodley or like Carr used Crable in the past few years.

Ezeh can become an impact defensive player at Michigan, but not at MLB. Ezeh will continue to get bigger and faster do not have to worry about his work ethic he is one of top workers with Barwis.

9) Read James S post on GBW could not agree with him more. People need to rethink there evaluations of these High School players. 3 star players are Okay, but a top program has to get some top players and then develop them. Like stated above our problem in the past is our top players did not develop or it took them till their Junior or Senior year to develop.

I know people will use Long as an example of a kid who developed, but for every player at Michigan you mention who played up to expectations I could easily name five who did not.

10) Lack of player development and of course, player defections have left this program with some talent, but absolutely no depth. This has hurt means freshmen and red-shirt freshmen have to play another reason why recruiting every year and allowing Juco’s in are so important.

11) Couple of tidbits could Barnum play OC in the future? Possible not probable, but he is taking some snaps in practice. Khoury is also taking snaps, but also playing OG. O'Neill also practices at both OC and OG.

12) Ferrara will start again this week and he could be a factor for the next 3 years. As reported in spring Zirbel was our most aggressive and physical OL now that Zirbel is injured Ferrara has become that guy. Frey really likes his potential and could be one of the reasons Barnum seems to be taking some snaps.

13) Maybe Butler should of played Defense from day one. Not because DE is his best position, but because he no longer mouths off about not getting the ball which constantly had him in trouble in the past few years. On defense he just plays.

14) No matter what happens with Threet in the future have to admire his toughness the kid really give 100%. I know at times his performance is bad, but it is not because of effort. I wish everyone on the team played with his passion.

written by MaizeMan


Anonymous said...

Good points MM, always on the spot with your assessments. Keep 'em comin. Steelers were lucky to land Woodley in the second round....was much more talented in what Steelers were looking for in a OLB than Timmons. But i would like our team to stick with the current set for a year and then decide on what to do. I am in no way suggesting that they are culpable for the way in which the D has played this year, it is a combination of both coaching and players attitude and what not..a whole bunch of stuff had gone wrong on that side of the ball for us to have imploded spectacularly. So hope they can fix stuff pretty soon, and hope Shafer gets to implement what he wants and has full understanding and support from both players and the rest of the satff.

Anonymous said...

The reason people are comparing Michigan to West Virginia is because RichRod is still going after the same types of players. He's going down to Florida and battling UCF for players. And I'm not sure what positives you're seeing from Barwis. And I'm not sure why you think player development is a strength. RichRod produced very few draft picks in his time at West Virginia.

Aside from all of that, I'm a Buckeye and read the blog daily. Thanks.

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