Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mailbag question: Coach Rod and Tennessee

Posted at 8:00am -- 1/14/2010

Mailbag question: Coach Rod and Tennessee


I'm hoping you can shed some light on some things I've been hearing. Lately, there's been a lot of insider talk about RR going to Tennessee. I have mostly been following this thought through a post on MGoBlog started by Magnus, who is a solid and reliable poster. He seems to think there is some legitimacy to this possibility, or at least this is a real possibility, and from what I've been told, this story is not limited to that thread. I know it sounds crazy, but we have seen some crazy things happen lately in college football, so I have to admit that I'm a little scared this possibility might be true. With all of the problems Coach Rod has faced since getting here, I can see why he might want to leave.

You guys often seem to have the real scoop on things, and are not afraid to lay it out. Can you confirm this or at least see what additional information there is about this story? If it is not true, can you post a reply to this to quell the rumor? Thanks. Keep up the great work.

As a follow-up, I just heard The Ticket on 97.1 discussing the same thing. Valenti didn't think there was much too it, but it's definitely being discussed as a possibility. Just FYI.



Thanks for the question.

We would not be surprised if Coach Rod was on any short list for the Tennessee job. His southern roots and background would be a perfect fit. At this point everything is conjecture. We are hearing two other high profile coaches as being ahead of Coach Rod in the pecking order.

From everything we have witnessed over the years nothing is impossible, and quite frankly we would not be surprised if Coach Rod's agent was not one of the first people to call Tennessee, especially with what several people have told us about his agent.

At this point it would surprise us if Coach Rod would leave for Tennessee, but anything is possible in today’s job climate. Right now one would think Tennessee would be looking for a coach that loves Tennessee and views the open job as a place where a coach could stay for along time.

We believe that Michigan fans would likely be worried either way. If Coach Rod were winning they would worry about him bolting on to another opportunity, and if he were losing they would worry about him being fired. At this time, with a record of 8-16 and 3-13 in the Big Ten, we believe Coach Rod will have to win more games before bolting to a big-time school especially with all the negative press that has come his way the past two years starting with how his contract was handled at West Virginia, continuing on with all the talk of traditions at Michigan, and currently "practice gate" and “faction” in the program. We are not really sure Tennessee would see that as being a good move right now. However, this is the university that hired Lane Kiffin.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!


Anonymous said...

You realize this is all a completely fake rumor started at MGo by one of the writers from WLA, right?

GBMWolverine said...

Well there are always a lot of "fake" rumors out there. Just look at the message boards sometimes.

Somebody asked us the question so we answered it.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you just outright say it's not true, then? Your silence on the truth of the rumor speaks volumes. Either there's some validity to it, amazing considering I know for a fact it's a complete fabrication, or you had no way of disproving it.

GBMWolverine said...

As we said: At this point it would surprise us if Coach Rod would leave for Tennessee, but anything is possible in today’s job climate. Right now one would think Tennessee would be looking for a coach that loves Tennessee and views the open job as a place where a coach could stay for along time.

GBMWolverine said...

Do we know for a fact either way or 100% ... nope ... not many people can say that either way unless your Coach Rod, his agent, family member or somebody from Tennessee.

As we said we do not believe he is going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eroc you made it pretty clear to at least me on your feelings on this topic. Some people just do not get it or are attacking you for no reason. Some are 12 year old school girls (at least how they act sometimes)!


Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to attack anyone? I'm not sure where that unprovoked assault is coming from by "Andy".

I was simply concerned - I had first hand knowledge this rumor was a fabrication, but it made its way to a place with professed inside connections to the program. I figured if well-connected people were reporting on it, there must be some truth. I was only looking for clarification

GBMWolverine said...

No problem. As we stated we do not believe it will or would happen.

In college football anymore you do not have a true contract that means anything anymore. Any coach can get out of it -- just matters if he wants to take the flack along with paying the school to get out of it.

To me anymore a huge buyout is the best way to go so coaches just do not bolt any program at anytime.

The one problem I have with these coaches leaving is nothing happens to them. Where kids commit to the coach -- and usually not the school -- in most cases so if a coach leaves they are out of luck and usually stuck at that school or they have to lose a year if they decide to transfer.

Where a coach gets somebody to pay his buyout and leaves town.

Anonymous said...


You said what I suspected you to say and actually did not flame the fires, but gave your opinion to the question.

That is what this blog is for to get your take along with the guys that help you out.

So thank you


GBMWolverine said...

The only reason we answered the question is because somebody asked us the question.

I am sure this person is a member of various message boards so that is why they asked us.

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