Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mailbag question: Dior Mathis

Posted at 12:00pm -- 1/16/2010

Mailbag question: Dior Mathis

Do you know the specifics on why Dior Mathis chose Oregon over Michigan? Was it because he wanted to go to an established program versus a program currently under construction that would throw him out on the field this fall instead of giving him a red-shirt year to first get him stronger? Was Michigan ever Dior's #1 anyway? Knowing we have gaps at DB, I was hoping he would come to Ann Arbor.

You guys do a fantastic job at GBMW. Keep up the great work - and thanks!

Cam P.


Thanks for the question and the nice comment.

We are hearing just the opposite. Our information is that Dior Mathis would have loved receiving a Michigan offer and being able to attend Michigan.

For whatever reason, Michigan chose not to offer Dior. Our opinion of why is that Mathis’ lack of size and physical play out-weighed his speed and athletic ability in the eyes of the Michigan coaching staff.

One thing we are glad about is that he went to Oregon, because frankly at least we will probably never have to worry about playing against him. We all hate to lose a talented in-state kid, but the end result would have been worse if Dior would have chosen a Big Ten program that Michigan plays every year.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!


Anonymous said...

Dior is way to short. Good talent, but to short.

Anonymous said...

wish we could have got him in would have helped with the in-state recruiting and the negative comments in regards to taking out of state recruits or favoring them over the in-state recruits.

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like it came down to either Dior or Delonte to me.

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