Saturday, January 02, 2010

Mailbag question: June Jones and Coach Rod

Posted at 12:00pm -- 1/2/2010

Mailbag question: June Jones and Coach Rod


So June Jones inherits an SMU team that was 1-11 last year (or something like that) and this year gets them to a bowl game going something like 11-1. He no doubt inherited a team that lacked talent and he is known for having a particular system -- in this case the run-and-shoot. How come he didn't need a rebuilding year (or two or three) like Coach Rod is begging for? I don't remember hearing him whining about not having the right type of players either.

This makes me wonder whether Coach Rod really will be able to turn Michigan around. It seems that really good coaches can make any team at least a little bit better no matter what.

Your thoughts please?



Thanks for the question.

Well first off, in our opinion Coach June Jones is one of the most underrated coaches in college football. Wherever Coach Jones has been, he has improved his teams from previous years, either at the NFL or college level.

We are hesitant to incorporate the word genius when applied to coaches, but when it comes to offensive football Coach June Jones has few peers.

His strength is adapting and adjusting his talent to maximize his personnel. And Coach Jones may have made the ultimate statement of his career in turning around the 1 and 11 Mustangs.

Beforehand, Coach Jones turned around a struggling Hawaii team and made them into a top-level program. The evidence is strong that he is turning around SMU as well, and for a program that has struggled since put on the death row by the NCAA, the turnaround is remarkable.

Coach Rod's strength, in our opinion, is to ID and develop talent that fits into his system, not adapting his system to fit the talent. Neither method is right or wrong, just different.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!


Anonymous said...

"Neither is right or wrong, just different???" What a cop out. Clearly, it's better to have a June Jones type of coach.

Who wouldn't much rather have a coach who can adapt to the players he has, and win with them. If MIchigan had hired a coach like that, instead of the single-minded, dogmatic RR, they probably wouldn't have interrupted their bowl record, nor become the laughingstock of the Big Ten -- and country.

I'll give RR one more year to "get his pieces in place," but I'm having serious doubts he's going to be able to pull it off. The fact that Michigan has looked so inept on both sides of the ball for two seasons now, makes me wonder if RR's system can work in the Big Ten.

Anonymous said...

You are going to give him one more year then what? Are you gong to fire him? Support your team because if he does right the ship you will be one of the first ones on.

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