Sunday, January 03, 2010

Mailbag question: Offensive line too thin?

Posted at 12:00pm -- 1/3/2010

Mailbag question: Offensive line too thin?


I wanted to say that I really enjoy your website and your insight. Being a former offensive lineman, I have a question.

Do you believe that the Michigan linemen have gotten too lean and need to add some bulk? There are plenty of zone teams that have bigger linemen that can still get to the second level.

Also, do you feel that Coach Rod has underestimated how physical the Big Ten is and do you think he will make any changes as far as size goes?

Thanks and keep up the great work



Thanks for the questions and the nice comment.

Yes we do believe Coach Rod miscalculated what type of linemen it takes to be successful in the Big Ten, and that observation includes both sides of the ball.

We have no problem with the offensive linemen leaning up some, in our opinion they were too out of shape at times in the Coach Carr regime.

We have heard from a few people that we trust and value their opinions that Michigan thru Coach Barwis will adjust the conditioning program to allow the linemen to get bigger and stronger.

From what we have heard, there will be maybe a little less running and more strength training, along with more weightlifting.

Not being able to move the line of scrimmage in the red zone hurt Michigan last season. Hopeful the adjustments we hear about are going to have a positive effect by making the offensive line bigger, stronger, and more physical.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!

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