Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mailbag question: Ohio State has widened the gap?

Posted at 12:00pm -- 1/10/2010

Mailbag question: Ohio State has widened the gap?


Do you think now after watching the Rose Bowl that Ohio State has widened the gap or do you think the gap is the same, or is Michigan catching up to Ohio State?

When do you think Michigan has a legit chance to win against Ohio State and when do you think Michigan will be competing for Big Ten Titles and at least be in the hunt or talk about national championships.

From what I saw no matter what "some experts" say on message boards, talent still wins games and the big-time players seem to come to play in the big games.

Thanks guys -- Tim


Thanks for the question.

We 100% agree, talent is king.

The talent gap has widened in last few years in our opinion. Just look at how Ohio State literally toyed with Michigan the last three years. Yes they toyed with Coach Carr in his last season also. In every other season Michigan was either in the game or had a legitimate chance to win.

Just check the scores, even in 2002, Ohio State' national championship year the final score was 14-9 and only two turnovers by John Navarre at the end of the game stopped Michigan from pulling off the upset. The biggest difference in the two rosters in our opinion is depth. Ohio State can graduate a Beanie Wells, James Laranitis, or a Malcom Jenkins and still end up first or second in the Big Ten and be Big Ten Champs. They have players leave early as well and always seem to have players ready to step in and keep the machine running.

The second biggest gap is on the defensive side of the ball; Ohio State's back seven (safeties and linebackers) play is light-years ahead of Michigan at this time. Ohio State graduates a Doug Worthington at defensive tackle and has a Lattimore waiting to step in.

Our Bottom Line is it will be 2011 before Michigan starts to close the gap. And pencil in that same year before even thinking of a close/truly competitive Michigan-OSU game.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!

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