Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Mailbag question: Pryor and being let loose

Posted at 12:00pm -- 1/5/2010

Mailbag question: Pryor and being let loose


Why do you think that Coach Tressel did not let Pryor loose against Michigan like he seemed to in the bowl game against Oregon?

Does it have to do with Pryor getting more practice time for the bowl? Does it have to do with thinking OSU would have to take chances because the coaches figured for them to win they would have to score a lot of points? Do you think it is because Tressel did not have to against teams like Michigan, because right now Ohio State is so much better than Michigan? Maybe Tressel did not want Pryor to make a mistake and let Michigan have a chance to get an easy score somehow and stay in the game?



Thanks for the question.

In our opinion Pryor was held back because he did not have too win the game with his big play ability in all honestly.

Coach Tressel, ever calculating, felt he could beat Michigan without taking unnecessary risks.

In the Rose Bowl, with Oregon selling out to stop the run and capable of scoring a lot of points, Tressel knew opening things up was a must. We saw the same thing in the 2006 Michigan game; he knew he had to score some points to win the game.

In the 2007 Michigan game, we saw the same game plan that he used this year. Let Michigan make mistakes, play great defense and special teams, and run the ball, control the game and time of possession, along with taking the crowd out of the game early.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!

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