Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mailbag question: What do you guys think of Magee?

Posted at 8:00am -- 1/13/2010

Mailbag question: What do you guys think of Magee?

What do you guys think about Magee possibly leaving for the South Florida job? If this happens what happens next, or what would you guys like to see happen?

Dan B.


Thanks for the question.

We think that for Coach Magee this is great news that he is being interviewed for the head-coaching job at South Florida.

A chance to be a head coach at a program he helped to start must be an exciting prospect for Coach Magee. The key will be if Coach Magee ends up taking any of the current Michigan assistants with him.

Could Coach Smith, or Coach Frey, be interested in being the offensive coordinator at South Florida? Both are Florida guys and the thought of going home would probably be appealing.

Having to replace two key offensive assistants would be very hard for the Michigan program. If any of the above scenarios happen (and we are not saying they will or will not), we would prefer to see Coach Rod hire someone with a background in the pro-style passing game, or at least move the current scheme in that direction.

In our opinion, combining Coach Rod's quarterback read option with a more complex passing game would be a great combination, and allow for diverse players to get into the game making the combined offense more deadly and unpredictable. Defenses would be pressured by a team that can get the running game going, and incorporate the running backs, slot receivers, tight ends and the split ends all into the passing game. This sharing of the wealth and assorted modes of attack could pose serious threats.

What does UM do as far as coaching goes and whom do you bring in? Well, UM is already down one defensive coach and we would actually like to see a second defensive coach brought on board since Coach Robinson is handling many coaching duties at Michigan, with new linebacker duties, along with being the defensive coordinator and teaching everybody on the defensive staff his system, and communicating what he wants done and how he wants the players to play.

Would Michigan be able to bring guys like Chuck Heater and Corwin Brown both back to Michigan? Perhaps this option would be possible.

One thing in regards to bringing in two defensive coaches is one could also be a special teams coach as well. Whomever works with special teams could take on this important responsibility and this duty could become more of a full-time duty, whereby one staff member becomes primarily or even solely responsible for the special teams. Corwin Brown would be an excellent person for that position because of his time in the NFL and experience with handling special teams. Brown also is known for being an excellent recruiter and a very good young coach.

Chuck Heater is a former Michigan player who played under Bo and bringing him back would be an excellent idea. He is a very good secondary coach, along with being an excellent recruiter with important and numerous connections. Being with Urban Meyer for so long also would provide a case study on how hard to recruit. In addition, we are a little partial to Heater being that he is an Ohio Wolverine, along with being from the same hometown as ErocWolverine (Tiffin, Ohio). Alas, Florida has just signed Coach Heater to a new upgraded title and he likely was financially compensated for his new standing on the Florida staff.

This, the above scenario of two defensive coaches, would even out the coaching staff, since Coach Rod is basically a part-time offensive coordinator; along with being a part-time quarterbacks coach. He always has helped call the plays and has the final say on the play going in. So Coach Smith, if Coach Rod believes he is ready, could take over the offensive coordinator duties, along with being the quarterbacks’ coach as well.

Since Coach Magee handled the tight ends and also the slot receivers, along with a grad assistant, we believe Coach Dews could handle the 8-10 more bodies that taking on the slot receivers and tight ends would incur.

While some of the possibilities detailed above are possible, we doubt they really happen, but we, as defensive-minded observers, would be thrilled by any advancements on the coaching staff on behalf of the defense.

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!

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