The defense gathers before the scrimmage to tell them how things are going to work for this scrimmage at Pioneer High School.
You can see Sheridan as the quarterback and Minor in the slot positions. ***Thanks to a couple of guys for correcting me***
This is the "Max" backfield with Cone as quarterback and Moundros or Helmuth as the "Max" back and Grady the running back. In this play you can tell the quarterback has the option to either give Grady the ball or look to swing it out to the slot receiver which might have been Clemons.
2008 Michigan kids ... Boo Boo, Moore, Mealer, O’Neill, Shaw, Khoury. Freeman was just out of the picture.
written by ErocWolverine
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Nice, I wasn't aware that they practiced at Pioneer High School.
The pic with Minor in the slot, how many receivers were in that set ? it looks like 3, unless there was a T.E. in that set and a wide out to the far left off camera ?? so would that mean some 5 receiver sets ?
They had a TE in the play (lined up on right side) with 2 WR's out there. One WR off the picture towards Minor and of course Minor . So they had (1 TE, 3 WR and 1 RB that went to the slot poisition. The three days we were at the coaches clinic we didn't see no 5 WR's sets.
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