Hey guys,
I read your blog everyday and I think you guys do a great job. I really appreciate the insider information and the higher level understanding of football.
My question is about the tempo of practices observed this year. From the videos available online of spring practices this year, it seems that practices were fun, upbeat, and spirited with "modern" music playing in the background. For anyone who as actually played real football before, most players hate practice.
While I am sure the practice clips available online are not entirely representative of the majority of practice time, I was wondering if the tempo and style of the practices is embraced by the current players and if it excites/ intrigues recruits.
D. Huds
Thanks for the question and also for reading the blog daily.
Coach Rod told us that a big part of their practices is philosophy is use practice to help with conditioning. To help players prepare for the pace and speed that Coach Rod and staff want to play at.
So yes the practices are very upbeat, organized, and at a quick tempo. The amount of work they perform in the 1 hour and 45 minute practice was impressive.
One extra benefit with the more up tempo approach especially for practice is the amount of snaps they can get in during that practice time.
The music, the player attitude, and the coaching staffs attitude all played into this as well and this spring the atmosphere was a huge difference from last year.
Thanks for stopping by http://gobluemichiganwolverine.blogspot.com/
If you have any questions please e-mail erocwolverine@gmail.com
Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine

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