Friday, January 08, 2010

Coach's Corner: Here are some things I would like to see next season -- Part 2 -- Offense

Posted at 8:00am -- 1/8/2010

Coach's Corner: Here are some things I would like to see next season -- Part 2 -- Offense


1) Be more physical and make other teams take notice.

This is a major goal of Coach Rod and staff. They all want this team to possess a tough hard-nosed running game. The toughness needed to have a punishing running game was not there last season.

I talked to Coach Frey and he told me one of the biggest misconceptions is that zone schemes are not as physical and typical, traditional blocking schemes.

Coach Frey and Coach Herron (apologies if spelled wrong) want the line of scrimmage moving forwards. In my opinion Michigan would have won two or three additional games if the offensive line had been able to move the line of scrimmage forward into the red zone. Another off-season program with Coach Barwis should help.

2) Produce some big plays, better yet; produce more big plays than the opponent.

When Michigan was 4-0, the offense was creating a ton of big plays. Carlos Brown was breaking long runs and Tate Forcier was hitting big pass plays. Yes, this was against lesser competition, but still it was happening.

There are not many teams that can drive the field consistently against top-level competition. You have to create some long gains. In my opinion that means players like Denard Robinson, Daryl Stonum, Jeremy Gallon, Je'Ron Stokes, and Michael Shaw have to step up.

These are the players with the speed, explosiveness, and burst to create some long plays. At least two, and hopefully more, need to step up and become a home run threat. I would prefer such a threat to be a wide receiver over a running back, but at this time I will not get picky!

3) Ball Security.

This should probably be #1. Until this is fixed, Michigan will struggle. I can guarantee this was emphasized last spring, I saw it. But it has to get done. This team will not win against high-level competition having three or more turnovers a game.

Part 3 of this series will cover the defense

Written by GBMW Staff

Go Blue -- Wear Maize!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we're going to be a more physical running team, we need more of Moundros and less of TEs that aren't blocking well and/or suddenly become afflicted with the dropsies.

Go Blue!

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