That is the one problem I have had with Michigan staff/players in the past. That to me means the players have to put the time in and work hard along with the coaches have to be there to push them. Both didn't happen at Michigan in the past. I remember hearing stories of Gabe Watson going and signing in and then sitting in the back telling jokes for almost two hours before they were able to leave.
No more of this "voluntary" work-outs anymore. Barwis commented on that very thing and said so is breathing.
From what I have been able to find out about Barwis is he takes every guy and makes them accountable. He also will not let them go either he will make sure they are working hard or they probably will not be on the team long or play.
Barwis makes it tough on the kids that do attend the off season program and lets them know it would not be as bad if their team mates would show up and participate. It is trying to get the program where the upperclassmen are telling the younger guys that this is how it is done and you better be there if you want to play. That is how Ohio State does it and it almost becomes second nature to them.
Not all the problems were the coaches or the players it was a combination of both and the players are going to get a huge wake-up call that they are under a new sheriff and do they want to keep being mediocre or do they want to strive to be the best they can be?
I guess after spring ball we will find out how many are sticking around and how many leave? Also will be interesting to see how the players adapt to the new off season program where most of the players went home, but at West Virginia most of the players stayed there and worked out with Barwis.
Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine
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