Monday, April 07, 2008

Michigan Coaches Clinic: 2008 Spring Awards

Best Block Award: Zirbel burying Taylor on the belly play.

Best Hit Award (Tie): Jamison on Threet and Williams on Babb.

Best Kick Award: Coach Rod - Drop kicking the ref’s flag and was throwing the f-bomb about the refs throwing so many flags and why do we even have them here.

Best Line By Coach Award: Coach Dews to Babb - “Do you know what your ass and mine have in common? Both will be on the bench during games if you do not start listening.”

Buy A Watch Award: ErocWolverine - Both days he said he would pick me up at the hotel in twenty minutes and was there in less than five.

Do Not Go To Film Award: Horn guy - Whoever is in charge of sounding the horn to end practice - On Friday. He was late in which Coach Rod called him a Pecker-head and then on Saturday Coach Rod turned around to end practice and “that guy”was not by the horn. Not a good idea.

Earliest Player To Practice Award: Nowinski - He has to get to practice thirty minutes before anyone else because it takes him fifteen minutes to walk across the field. I honestly did not think anyone could walk that slowly.

Educational Award: Everyone at the clinic - Looking for creative ways to use the F-bomb.
Fastest coach award: Shafer - When Defense scored Touchdown on a turnover today Shafer beat all the players on the field to the end zone to congratulate the player.

Fastest Player On Team: Stonum - May not win in a sprint, but his football speed is very impressive and nobody seems to be able to stay with him.Get Phone Fixed Award: MaizeMan – Do not know how many times you can call a guy and get his voice mail then he calls me and says why didn't you call me.

Half Way Award: Jason Kates - He has lost enough weight for one normal person, but has another one to go.

Hustle Award: Steve Schilling - Every time offense runs on the field he was always the first one.Insurance award: David Cone - If they keep letting Quarterback's get hit in practice they better make sure they carry extra insurance on Cone..
Leader of Defense: Panter - I know its hard to believe, but he was the one making sure everyone was in right formation on Defense.

Most F-bombs Award During the Clinic: Shafer - Shocker of the day.

Most F-bombs During Practice All Three Days: Coach Rod - Hands down and every other cuss word you could think. He was like a ticking time bomb especially when the offense was not doing well. That poor walk-on center when he snapped the ball and should not have and the kid walking off the field on Friday.

Most Flip Off’s During The Clinic Award: Coach Rod - Talking about getting the signs from the quarterback to the sidelines from a first year, second year, third year and fourth year quarterback gives the sidelines.

Most improved player: Steve Brown - Very tough one here, but Brown although not the most spectacular was consistent in every practice.

Motivational Award: Barwis - This guy could make a lot of money just going around the country being a motivational speaker.

Mouthpiece award: Herron - I bet he was thankful he had one in when Zirbel destroyed him on Friday.

Player to watch in fall: Slocum - He has just started practicing, but if he keeps progressing, he will play somewhere.

Quote of the day Award: Barwis - A player told Barwis (he was laughing when telling the story) about the balls that they use to exercise with and the player said “These balls are stupid Coach” well Barwis replied “No your just pissed off that you can't do it.”

written by MaizeMan, CoachBt and ErocWolverine

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