Rodriguez says having three who are able to start is ideal, but he hasn't ruled anybody out.
Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News
ANN ARBOR -- Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez is getting greedy.
Sure, one capable quarterback would be great. Two would be really good, too.
But more than that? Now, you're talking.
"My preference would be having three I could win with," Rodriguez said Tuesday morning during a brief news conference updating the Wolverines' preseason practices. "If I was a coach and I just had one quarterback I felt I could win with, I'd be really nervous."
Sure, one capable quarterback would be great. Two would be really good, too.
But more than that? Now, you're talking.
"My preference would be having three I could win with," Rodriguez said Tuesday morning during a brief news conference updating the Wolverines' preseason practices. "If I was a coach and I just had one quarterback I felt I could win with, I'd be really nervous."
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