U-M: Notebook
Defense is way ahead of the offense for now
Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News
ANN ARBOR -- Michigan's offense has a long way to go.
Coach speak or reality?
Coach Rich Rodriguez said Wednesday after the Wolverines' third preseason practice the offense is, not surprisingly, behind. Camp opened Monday.
"I thought it was an average practice overall," Rodriguez said. "I don't think we progressed a whole lot. I liked what I saw from the defense. They put a few new packages in, and that may have caused some confusion for the offense. I don't think our offense took any steps forward, but they're working hard."
To read the rest of the article please visit: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080807/SPORTS0201/808070372/1131/SPORTS0201
Michigan might use two QBs
Rodriguez says the competition for the Wolverines' starting job might continue throughout season.
Angelique S. Chengelis / The Detroit News
ANN ARBOR -- Not that Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez is getting greedy, but wouldn't two starting quarterbacks be better than one?
As competition for the quarterback job continues between Steven Threet and Nick Sheridan -- sophomore David Cone and freshman Justin Feagin are not considered among the frontrunners -- Rodriguez needs to select a starter, but it might be more like, 1A and 1B.
To read the rest of the story please visit: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080807/SPORTS0201/808070359/1131
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