Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mailbag Question: Regarding Newsome

Well guys,

We lost Newsome or it looks like it for good now. So how does this make Michigan's recruiting class without him?Also where does Forcier come in to play now? Will he commit on his visit?

Do you think that the Forcier pressure helped Newsome back out and start his recruiting all over again?

Where do you see the team with Beaver by himself and where do you see the team if Forcier come to Michigan?
Is this a better deal now for Michigan if Tate comes to Michigan?



Thanks for the question. If Newsome does end up somewhere else, it is definite loss for Michigan in our opinion. We do not believe it is devastating.

First, Beaver is very good prospect, and there are still other quarterbacks out there that would be great fits.

In our opinion, Michigan needs two quarterback recruits in this class. Forcier, while not the fit Newsome is, he would be nice addition, but so would Eugene Smith and Dennard Robinson.

In our opinion, Newsome decision had nothing to do with Forcier. It has more to do with Newsome being unsure about Michigan style of offense.

written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine

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