Thursday, August 07, 2008

Mailbag Question: Regarding start of practice


Why does the college football season for practice starts so late anymore. Why with all the health issues they have had the last several years why does the NCAA keep making the practice time shorter and shorter between the first practice and the first game.

First practice is Aug 4 and the first game is Aug 30 ... seems like a lot of practices (29) I believe before the first game. Sure would be nice if they would actually stretch this out a little bit more and have only a week or so of two a days and let the kids start practices earlier so it will benefit everybody.



Thanks for the question. What happened were some players died during the heat of double sessions. The fear of lawsuits and liability lead to tighter regulations on fall camps.

It was also hit the high school ranks in some states. They have more time without pads, longer time before hitting is allowed, and limited numbers of double sessions.

Seems like the NCAA does not want the players to start any earlier because they believe the football season is long enough. The only problem is the NCAA still believes that the winter conditioning and the summer workouts are “voluntary” as well.

Well since Coach Rod has been hired, we have all learned the new meaning of voluntary. As Coach Barwis says about player workouts being voluntary. They are voluntary for the football players just like breathing is voluntary, but I do not see you stop breathing. Then you have Coach Rod statement that the players playing time is also voluntary if they miss workouts.

written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine

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