Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mailbag Question:


I believe we will see Forcier/Beaver starting next you feel they will be better off than Threet. I know the team has multiple issues to improve, but I cannot not think that if we had any type of decent QB play, we would have a minimum of two more wins this year. What are your thoughts?

Big D


Thanks for the question. In our opinion both Forcier and Beaver are better skilled at this offense than Threet. They are both better runners and overall athletes than Threet.

However, there is nothing better than experience playing at this level. Threet will have one full year and another spring and fall ball under his belt before Beaver and Forcier arrive. If Beaver and Forcier enroll in the spring as hinted, it would be a huge benefit for them. If they do not show up until Augus,t it could be very tough to beat out Threet in the short term.

If one or both enroll in January, they will have a chance of seeing significant playing time.

written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard Beaver is waffling on his commit. Any truth to that?

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