Hi guys,
What do you think about the 4-2-5 defense? It worked against Minnesota. Will they keep it or was it Minnesota-specific? Can you breakdown its pros and cons?
Does this mean that Shaffer's job seems secure for now? Running the 3-3-5 against Purdue now seems like they were just trying new things and not Coach Rod imposing his will (and defense) over Coach Shafer.
Really, enjoy your blog.
Thanks for the question. Concerning Coach Shafer, this is completely Coach Rod’s call. If he is not comfortable with direction Coach Shafer is taking defense, he should replace him. If he is just frustrated then Coach Shafer deserves same patience Coach Rod is asking for with the offense and the team.
As for the defense used, the 4-2 definitely worked well. Many times, it played much like a 4-4/ 8-man front similar to what Virginia Tech has used. When you saw M. Williams and B. Harrison lining up in box it was the 8-man front you were seeing.
written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine
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