A lot has been made of Tate Forcier's time in the film room. My question is, how much film room time does the coaching staff expect from each player, and are other players i.e. OL, WR's, TE's and RB's spending time with Tate in the film room ?
Thanks Don
Thanks for the question.
In season every player spends a ton of time in the film room. Out of season all players spend some time in, but not nearly as much as quarterbacks.
Quarterbacks will work on not only their own game film, but also film of opponents.
With young quarterbacks the biggest thing is getting them in the habit of watching film and showing them how it will help them in practices, games.
Some players feel film work is a drag and do not put everything into it, but in some kids you can tell they have learned a lot just by seeing their mistakes along with the tendencies of their opponents and that is where you can get an edge in a game if you know what your opponent is going to be doing.
Thanks for stopping by http://gobluemichiganwolverine.blogspot.com/
If you have any questions please e-mail erocwolverine@gmail.com
Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine

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