Mailbag question: Coach Rod on the hot seat now?
I have followed your blog since the start almost, but rarely e-mail.
The one problem I had with your blog was the negative position you guys took on several issues such as the offensive line, the defense and also the coaching staff.
I just want to say that I am sorry and will be looking at your site more now than ever because I am realizing now that you were giving the readers an honest take and not sugarcoating it like so many others try to do just to get subscribers.
You answered a question about being on the hot seat last week. So does Coach Rod get on the hot seat at all now and does he have to make changes to his staff to continue at Michigan? It seems to me the water has to be a little warmer than last week. Also with Bill Martin leaving you have to think next year is a make or break year for Coach Rod here at Michigan.
So will he pick his friends (certain coaches) or the Michigan program?
Matt S.
Thanks for the question and being a long time reader. We have no problem with people disagreeing with us at all, but please show and back-up your opinion when disagreeing and not just throw out a mere opposite position. We always realize that fans want the best for their team and it is discomforting to hear negatives or concerns for the program they follow. We get that, but what we try and do is give you our opinion on what we see on the field through informed observation, and report notable rumblings behind the scenes we are privy to from other sources.
Just to let all the readers know, we at GBMW are seriously considering ways of improving the site and adding a few more knowledgeable people along with getting some of our regular guys posting a lot more. Hopefully we can share more with you later, but such changes will be announced sometime after the football season.
Losing, especially games like the Illinois fiasco, will put every coach in a similar situation on the hot seat. Losing to a 1-6 team will always put a coach on an even hotter hot seat. Now add in getting embarrassed two consecutive weeks and having a record of 1-4 in the Big Ten conference and the temperature gets turned up another notch. This team has not looked good in Big Ten play for two years and that starts to wear on even the most diehard fans, alumni, donors, etc.
Bill Martin leaving, in our opinion, will only affect Coach Rod if he does not win. If Coach Rod wins games it will not matter who the new Athletic Director is, he will be in good shape. We believe it would be extremely hard for Bill Martin to fire Coach Rod with him stepping down and having a new AD deal with a new coach that he did not pick himself.
Unless of course it is somebody elite or somebody with ties to the Michigan family that everybody could agree on at this time.
We expect there to be some turnover in the coaching staff next year. At this time, we are not sure who will leave. We are sure the "buddies" will not be on the hot seat, but everybody else is fair game at this point in time. Also there might be a couple of coaches that will want to leave the program based on the downward direction of the program.
Thanks for stopping by Go Blue Michigan Wolverine
If you have any questions please E-Mail
Written by CoachBt and ErocWolverine

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